What is ISO 29100 Certification?

ISO/IEC 29100:2024 is a certification related to privacy and data protection. This international standard provides a framework for organizations to manage and protect personal data in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Here are the key aspects of ISO/IEC 29100:2024:

Privacy Framework : It establishes a set of principles and guidelines for managing privacy and protecting personal information.

Personal Data Management : It offers a structured approach to handling personal data throughout its lifecycle, including collection, processing, storage, and disposal.

Compliance : Helps organizations ensure compliance with international privacy laws and regulations.

Risk Management : Assists in identifying and mitigating privacy risks associated with personal data.

Trust and Transparency : Enhances trust and transparency between organizations and their stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to privacy protection.

By obtaining ISO/IEC 29100:2024 certification, organizations can demonstrate their adherence to best practices in privacy management and data protection, thereby enhancing their reputation and trustworthiness in the eyes of customers and regulatory bodies.

Benefits of ISO 29100 Certification

Enhanced Trust and Credibility

Certification demonstrates to stakeholders, including customers, partners, regulators, and the public, that the organization is committed to protecting privacy information and adhering to best practices in privacy management. This can enhance trust and confidence in the organization's ability to handle personal information responsibly.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

ISO/IEC 29100:2024 certification helps organizations ensure compliance with relevant privacy laws, regulations, and contractual obligations. By aligning with internationally recognized standards, organizations can mitigate legal risks associated with privacy breaches and non-compliance.

Improved Risk Management

Certification provides a structured framework for identifying, assessing, and managing privacy risks associated with the collection, use, disclosure, and storage of personal information. By implementing effective privacy controls and processes, organizations can reduce the likelihood of privacy incidents and breaches.

Competitive Advantage

ISO/IEC 29100:2024 certification can differentiate organizations from their competitors by demonstrating a commitment to privacy protection and compliance with internationally recognized standards. This can enhance the organization's reputation, credibility, and competitiveness in the marketplace.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Certification reassures customers that their privacy rights are being respected and that their personal information is being handled securely and responsibly. This can improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Operational Efficiency

Certification encourages organizations to establish clear policies, procedures, and controls for managing privacy information, leading to greater efficiency and consistency in privacy management practices. This can streamline processes, reduce errors, and minimize the costs associated with privacy incidents and breaches.

Who can get ISO 29100 Certification?

ISO/IEC 29100 certification is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size, type, industry, or geographical location, that collects, uses, processes, or manages personal information and seeks to demonstrate its commitment to protecting privacy information and complying with internationally recognized standards.

Here are some examples of organizations that can benefit from ISO/IEC 29100 certification:

Healthcare Providers

Hospitals, clinics, medical practices, and healthcare organizations that handle sensitive patient information can obtain ISO/IEC 29100 certification to demonstrate their commitment to patient privacy and compliance with healthcare privacy regulations, such as HIPAA (in the United States) or GDPR (in Europe).

Technology Companies

Software developers, IT service providers, cloud service providers, and technology companies that develop, deploy, or manage information systems and services that involve personal data can seek ISO/IEC 29100 certification to demonstrate the security and privacy of their offerings.

Financial Institutions

Banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and other financial institutions that process sensitive financial and personal information can obtain ISO/IEC 29100 certification to demonstrate their commitment to protecting customer privacy and complying with financial regulations, such as PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard).

Supply Chain Partners

Organizations that are part of complex supply chains and handle personal information as part of their business processes can seek ISO/IEC 29100 certification to demonstrate their commitment to privacy protection and compliance with contractual requirements.


Small, medium, and large businesses operating in various sectors, including finance, healthcare, technology, retail, manufacturing, and services, can obtain ISO/IEC 29100 certification to demonstrate their commitment to protecting customer and employee privacy information.

Government Agencies

Government agencies and public sector organizations responsible for collecting and managing personal information, such as citizen data, can seek ISO/IEC 29100 certification to ensure compliance with privacy laws and regulations and enhance trust with citizens.

Educational Institutions

Schools, colleges, and universities that collect and process student and staff information can seek ISO/IEC 29100 certification to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and safeguard the privacy of educational records.

Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations that handle personal information, such as donor or beneficiary data, can obtain ISO/IEC 29100 certification to demonstrate their commitment to ethical data handling practices and accountability to stakeholders.

Validity of ISO 29100 Certification?

ISO/IEC 29100 certification is typically granted for a specified period, commonly 1 to 3 years, depending on the certification body’s policies. The certification body will specify the validity period in the certification document issued to the organization.

Documents Required for ISO 29100 Certification

  • System Manual
  • System Procedure
  • Policy
  • Objectives
  • Mission & Vision
  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  • Checklist
  • Forms
  • Formats
  • Records

The extent of Documented Information differs as per:

  • Organization’s size
  • Activities performed by the organization
  • Processes undertaken by the Organization
  • Products and services offered by the organization
  • The complexity of processes undertaken
  • Competence of persons involved

What is the Role of Shamkris?

The implementation process is described below:

* Task

Gap Assessment

Technical Review

Preparation of Documents



Third Party Audit / Assessment

Annual Support

* Output

Gap Report

UAPT & Remedies

Policy, Procedures, Formats, Checklist

Awareness & Internal Audit

Record Generation, Review of Implementation of ISO 29100

NCR Closure & Issued Certification

Monthly / Quarterly / Half Year / Yearly


ISO/IEC 29100:2024 is an international standard that provides guidelines and principles for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continuously improving privacy information management within organizations. It aims to help organizations protect personal information and comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Any organization, regardless of its size, industry, or location, that collects, processes, or manages personal information can benefit from ISO/IEC 29100 certification. This includes businesses, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and technology companies.

ISO/IEC 29100 is based on several key principles of privacy management, including transparency, consent, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, accountability, and continuous improvement. These principles guide organizations in handling personal information responsibly and ethically.

The certification process typically involves several steps, including a gap analysis to assess current privacy management practices, implementation of necessary changes to meet ISO/IEC 29100 requirements, documentation of the privacy management system, internal audits to evaluate effectiveness, a certification audit by an accredited certification body, and ongoing surveillance audits to maintain certification.

ISO/IEC 29100 certification is typically granted for a specified period, commonly ranging from one to three years, depending on the certification body’s policies. Organizations must undergo periodic surveillance audits to maintain certification and renew it before expiration.

ISO/IEC 29100 certification is voluntary and not mandatory by law. However, organizations may choose to pursue certification to demonstrate their commitment to privacy protection, compliance with international standards, and accountability to stakeholders.