What is Kosher?
In Hebrew, “kosher” means fit. Kosher food is any food fit for consumption by Jewish people. The laws of kosher define which foods a person can and cannot eat, and also how they should produce and handle certain foods. The laws also state which combinations of foods that people should avoid. The Torah, the first part of the Jewish bible, lays the foundations of kosher dietary laws. Practicing Jews believe that following a kosher diet is God’s will.
What is Kosher Certified?For a product to be kosher certified, and to qualify for a kosher certificate, each ingredient, food additive and processing aid used in its production must also be kosher. Additionally, to be kosher certified, the production process must be suitable for kosher requirements and therefore it must be approved by a kosher auditor. Products may be rendered non-kosher if their production lines and equipment are also used to manufacture non-kosher products.
Benefits of Kosher Certification
Enhances customer/supplier relationships
Continuous improvement in service to suppliers
Continuous improvement of service to subscribers
Standardized quality system requirements
Increase efficiency to save time, money and resources
Increase market opportunities
Check out the Who can be certified Kosher Certification Video
Who can be certified Kosher Certification?
Food Growers
Food Processors
Food Transporters
Food Retailers
Food Packagers
Food Storage
Food Additives
Food Chemical
Food Cosmetics
Document required for Kosher Certification
- Application Form
- KYC of company
- List of Products & their Ingredient
- Label Sample
- Kosher certificate ingredient if required
- Supplier NOC copy
- Process flow chart
The extent of Documented Information differs as per:
- List of Products
- Process
Role of Shamkris and Process of Kosher Certification
Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to effective system implementation in the organization. A simple and practical method of system implementation helps organizations increase business efficiency and sustainability. Shamkris supports 100% documentation to obtain an accreditation body of success in addition to enhanced performance.
The implementation process is described below:
Day 1
GAP Analysis Certification Body Selection Cost Estimates
• Finding the GAP between existing system related to Kosher requirements
• Selecting the appropriate certification Body
• Based on the scope of your business & certification Body you choose
Week 1
Developing Documents
• Filled application form
• Create list of products
•Collect Ingredient Kosher Certificate
• Process flow chart
Week 2
Plan Inspection
• Inspection conducted by Kosher Certification Body
• Verification of Documents & Records
• Verification of Legal Documents Including Label
Week 3
Certification Body
• Kosher Certificate issued for 1 year.
• Renewal Audit every year.
Year on Year
Yearly Compliance
• Support of Yearly documentation for audit
Increased transparency through Kosher certification strengthens supplier trustworthiness. Kosher products potentially have the widest consumer appeal. Some consumers consider that Kosher means purity of ingredients.
• Keeping kosher controls the way food is prepared.
• Quality standards are higher for kosher foods.
• Limits placed on the amount of food consumed helps establish self control and healthy eating habits.
• Kosher meats are thoroughly salted, making them less likely to carry E.
A kosher diet isn’t inherently healthy but it’s possible to eat healthily on a kosher diet. Healthy options on a kosher diet include all fruits, vegetables, and grains. Some argue that kosher meat is healthier because it must pass a strict inspection, but experts say this does not make a difference in quality.
Kosher refers to a set of intricate biblical laws that detail the types of food that a Jewish person may eat and the ways in which it may be prepared. To be certified Kosher, all ingredients in every product—and the process of preparing the product—must be certified for orthodox kosher-compliance too.
The procedure for acquiring kosher certification is relatively simple. Upon receipt of your application, a representative of STAR-K will evaluate your company’s ingredients and products. Then a contract will be drafted, detailing all the requirements and obligations of both parties.