What is NOM Certificate?

The NOM (Norma Official Mexicana) certification is a mandatory regulatory requirement in Mexico, designed to ensure that products and services meet minimum standards for safety, quality, and environmental compliance. Managed by various government agencies, such as the Mexican Secretariat of Economy and the Secretariat of Health, NOM standards apply to a broad range of industries, including electronics, food and beverages, automotive, and telecommunications. Companies looking to sell products in Mexico must ensure they comply with the relevant NOM regulations to avoid legal issues and penalties.

For businesses importing products into Mexico, obtaining NOM certification is a critical step. The certification process typically involves product testing by authorized laboratories, ensuring compliance with the required technical specifications. Once a product passes these tests, it can be labelled with the official NOM mark, signifying it meets the standards necessary for distribution in the Mexican market. This label is essential for consumers and businesses alike, as it assures that the product adheres to the country’s safety and performance standards.

In addition to protecting consumers, NOM certification helps to level the playing field for businesses by enforcing consistent standards across the marketplace. It encourages fair competition and helps ensure that imported goods do not undermine local manufacturers by failing to meet quality or safety requirements. For foreign companies aiming to enter the Mexican market, understanding and obtaining NOM certification is a critical part of regulatory compliance and market access.

Benefits of getting NOM Certificate for Business?

Getting a NOM Certificate offers several benefits for businesses. Here are some potential advantages:

Market Access in Mexico

NOM certification is a requirement for companies looking to sell their products in Mexico. Without it, products cannot legally enter the market. By complying with NOM standards, businesses gain full access to one of Latin America's largest consumer markets, making it essential for both domestic and international companies.

Consumer Safety and Trust

Products with NOM certification provide assurance to consumers that they meet safety, quality, and environmental standards. This builds trust with customers and reduces the risk of accidents, product failures, or health hazards. As a result, NOM-certified products are more likely to be preferred by consumers, boosting brand reputation.

Legal Compliance

NOM certification ensures that a company's products comply with Mexico's regulatory framework, helping businesses avoid fines, penalties, or the confiscation of non-compliant goods. Staying aligned with local laws also fosters a smoother business operation and avoids interruptions in product distribution.

Competitive Advantage

Companies that invest in NOM certification demonstrate their commitment to quality and regulatory compliance. This can give them a competitive edge over non-compliant competitors, especially when bidding for contracts or appealing to conscientious consumers who prioritize safety.

Standardization and Quality Assurance

NOM certification helps create a level playing field by ensuring all products in the market adhere to the same quality and safety standards. It promotes fair competition, reduces the risk of inferior products being sold, and fosters industry-wide quality assurance.

Who can get NOM Certificate?

The NOM (Norma Oficial Mexicana) certification is a mandatory regulatory requirement in Mexico, ensuring that products meet safety, quality, and environmental standards before being sold in the market. The following entities or businesses may seek approval from NOM:





Foreign Companies (seeking to enter the Mexican market)

Private Label Owners

Suppliers of Regulated Products

Document required for NOM Certificate

  • System Manual
  • System Procedure
  • Policy
  • Objectives
  • Mission & Vision
  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  • Checklist
  • Forms
  • Formats
  • Records

The extent of Documented Information differs as per:

  • Organization’s size
  • Activities performed by the organization
  • Processes undertaken by the Organization
  • Products and services offered by the organization
  • The complexity of processes undertaken
  • Competence of persons involved

Role of Shamkris and Process of NOM Certificate

Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to effective system implementation in the organization. A simple and practical method of system implementation helps organizations increase business efficiency and sustainability. Shamkris supports 100% documentation to obtain buyer approval in addition to enhanced performance.

The implementation process is described below:

Step 1

GAP Assessment

GAP Assessment report as per NOM Certificate checklist

Step 3


• Training to Top Management.
• Training to Employee's

Step 4


• Verification of Documentation as per Checklist
• Internal Audit, Management Review Meeting & N-Closer for Internal Audit

Step 5

Audit Public Verification

• Verification by third party approval by NOM Certificate
• Closer of Non-Conformetives

Year on Year

Yearly Compliance

• Support of Yearly documentation for audit


NOM certification, or Norma Oficial Mexicana certification, is a mandatory compliance standard in Mexico that ensures products and services meet specific safety, quality, and environmental requirements set by Mexican regulations.

NOM certification is required for manufacturers, importers, distributors, and retailers of products sold in Mexico. This includes both domestic companies and foreign entities seeking to enter the Mexican market.

To apply for NOM certification, you need to submit your product for testing to an authorized laboratory. Once your product meets the required standards, you can apply for certification through an accredited certification body. The process involves documentation, testing, and possibly factory inspections.

The duration of the NOM certification process can vary depending on the complexity of the product and the efficiency of the testing and certification bodies. On average, it can take several weeks to a few months.

Costs for NOM certification include testing fees, certification body fees, and potential additional expenses for modifications or improvements to meet the standards. The total cost can vary based on the type of product and the certification body used.

Yes, NOM certification can be renewed. The renewal process typically involves re-evaluation and possibly re-testing of the product to ensure ongoing compliance with current standards.

If a product does not meet NOM standards, it cannot be sold in Mexico. The company may need to make necessary modifications or improvements to the product and undergo re-testing to achieve compliance.

No, NOM certification is specific to Mexico. If you plan to sell products in other countries, you will need to comply with the regulatory requirements and certification standards of those countries.