What is RPSL?
RPSL stands for Recruitment and Placement Services License is given to licensed recruiters and agents by the Directorate General of Shipping in India.
Recruitment & Placement Services Regulations issued by the Govt of India and implemented by the Indian Merchant Shipping Act, which provide a framework for the safety of Indian seafarers employed on Indian and foreign ships, together with essential guarantees of repatriation in the event of stranding or other requirements, even if the shipowner does not discharge the duty of repatriating the seafarers to the home port of the seaman.
A Recruitment & Placement Services License (RPSL) must be licensed by all RPS providers. They must renew their license when expired and undertake to send a monthly report to the Director-General of Shipping / Seamen’s Employment Offices, notifying the name of the seafarer, CDC No, the name of the ship, and the flag that it has entered, the date of signing ON, the date of signing OFF and its arrival in India. Such data is sent on a monthly basis and the DGS maintains a database for the above information sent by the RPS providers.
Each RPS is issued with an RPSL number. A list of all registered RPSLs is available on the DGS website and with us too.
You must check the RPSL List before joining a shipping company. If the company is not on the list of RPSL provided by the DG Shipping, Then your joining, and the sea time will not be considered.
This RPSL number is required to be mentioned on the letterhead of the company issuing a seafarer his Contract letter, Seatime certificate, and other official documents.
Why this License is Required?
This RPSL is required to be mentioned on the letterhead of the company issuing a seafarer his Contract letter, Seatime certificate, and other official documents.
Check out the RPSL License Video
Who can get a RPSL License?
Shipping Agency
Maritime Agency
Crew Manning Agency
Seafarer Agency
Document Required for RPSL License
- 1) RPSL forms
• The application shall be made in Form III
• Declarations as in Form V
• Declarations as in Form VI
• Manning Agreement as in Form VII
- 2) Prescribed fee of INR 40,000 / — Online via BHARAT KOSH in favour of DSEO, Mumbai (PAO Shipping Mumbai) / Jurisdictional DSEO.
- 3) Manning Agreement with Ship owner or Employer. Manning agreement to include Name /IMO number of vessel on which seafarers are proposed to be recruited.
- 4) Copy of the certificate of Incorporation
- 5) Profit and loss account and balance sheet for last 5 years
- 6) Certificate of the assets and liabilities by a chartered accountant
- 7) List of ships with IMO numbers on which seafarers are recruited or proposed to be recruited against each FORM VII
- 8) A specimen copy of the Collective bargaining agreement on which terms the seafarer is engaged /proposed to be engaged by the RPS has to be submitted duly signed by the RPS. In case there is no flag accepted CBA, the RPS has to furnish an undertaking stating the Death and Disability compensation will be paid to the seafarer / NOK of seafarer.
- 9) List of authorized signatories ,with specimen signatures and contact details with e-mail address
- 10) Filled in RPSL forms V , VI , VII as mentioned above
- 11) Copy of Bank Guarantee as required per RPS Gazette rules 2016 , Sr no. 15
- 12) Copy of PAN /TAN/ GST details
- 13) Registered Lease agreement / ownership documents of the office space.
- 14) MLC certificate, P&I cover of the vessel on which the seafarers are proposed to be recruited.
- 15) Copy of CBA, Sample Seafarer Employment agreement. ( Death & Disability compensation/ Medical care entitlements of seafarers to be detailed in CBA / SEA)
Role of Shamkris and Process of RPSL
Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to compliance with mandatory licence requirements in the organization. A simple and guidance methodology help organisation to achieve licence in a timely manner and cost-effective. Shamkris support 100% in advisory, Guidance, Compliance with respect to license requirements to obtain approval.
The License process described below:
- Advisory for the document required
- Preparation of documents as per application & list of documents.
- Application File
- Inspection by the department if required
- Liason department
- License issued
- Yearly Compliance if Applicable
- Renewal when due
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RPSL stands for Recruitment and Placement Services License is given to licensed recruiters and agents by the Directorate General of Shipping in India.
RPSL stands for Recruitment and Placement Services Licence is mandated by the Directorate General of Shipping in India for authorised recruiters and agents.